Pool Management
- Interview and hire certified and qualified lifeguard staff. Negotiate salaries, set schedules.
- Instruct staff in water chemistry, filter operation, daily maintenance, and pool regulations.
- Pay all staff, payroll expenses, and Worker’s Compensation.
- Provide complete comprehensive liability insurance.
- Inspect facility on a routine basis.
- Provide log books, water test kits, and first aid kits.
- Arrange and pay for water quality inspections where required.
- Coordinate ordering, delivery, and payment of chemicals and supplies.
- Adjusting chemicals, stabilizer, calcium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate.
- Coordinate ordering, delivery, and payment of bathhouse supplies.
Complete Summerization
- Empty, clean, and acid wash pools. Remove all debris from premises.
- Assemble filter system and make minor repairs.
- Fill pool; prime and start filter system.
- Inspect, clean and start chlorinator.
- Sweep and clean decks.
- Install ladders, railings and diving boards.
- Clean and disinfect bathhouses.
- Set up tables, chairs, signs, etc.
- Administer pool chemicals and balance water chemistry.

Complete Winterization
- Drop pool water to winter level.
- Remove and store ladders, railings, and diving boards.
- Blow all water out of filtration lines and plug inlets.
- Disassemble filter and drain water.
- Diassemble and drain chlorinator.
Additional Services
- Complete in-house service department.
- Discounts on pool supplies.
- Personnel on reserve for emergency situations.
- Preventative maintenance procedures.
- Off-season inspections.
Family Entertainment
- DJs
- Rock Bands
- Movie Nights
- Raft Nights
- Barbeques